Caito Foods Services, Inc.
Application for Employment
Qualified applicants are consisdered for all positions without
regard to race, color, religion, sex, national orgin, age, marital or veteran
status, or disablity.
Referred By:
If you are not a citizen of the United States, please
indicate your authorization to be employed. |
Military Service Status
Employment Desired |
Date you can start
Salary Desired
Are you currently employed?
If so may we contact your present employer?
Positions(s) applied for |
If you have applied to this company before,
please indicate where and when. |
If you have relatives employed by this
company, please give names.
If you have worked for this company before,
please indicate where and when. |
Do you seek full or part-time employment?
Shift or hours preferred
Do you have special skills, experience or qualifications related to
the position(s) applied for? |
Previous Employment
List your most recent employer first. |
Please explain any gap in employment history below.
Address |
Phone |
Phone Number: 999-999-9999 |
Position |
Salary |
Reason for Leaving |
Address |
Phone |
Phone Number: 999-999-9999 |
Position |
Salary |
Reason for Leaving |
Address |
Phone |
Phone Number: 999-999-9999 |
Position |
Salary |
Reason for Leaving |
Address |
Phone |
Phone Number: 999-999-9999 |
Position |
Salary |
Reason for Leaving |
Address |
Phone |
Phone Number: 999-999-9999 |
Position |
Salary |
Reason for Leaving |
Address |
Phone |
Phone Number: 999-999-9999 |
Position |
Salary |
Reason for Leaving |
Address |
Phone |
Phone Number: 999-999-9999 |
Position |
Salary |
Reason for Leaving |
Education History |
Please list three non-relatives whom you have known for at least one year.
In case of emergency contact:
* The civil rights act of 1964 prohibits discrimination in
employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Some
states prohibit discrimination because of age. The age discrimination
employment act of 1967 prohibits discrimination on the basis of age with
respect to individuals who are at least 40 but less than 70 years of age. If
this state prohibits the request of any information on this form, this
information will not be used to discriminate against possible employment.
By submitting this application, I authorize investigation of all
statements contained in this application. I understand that
misrepresentation or omission of facts call for cause for dismissal.
Further, I understand and agree that my employment is for no definite period
and may, regardless of the date of payment of my wages and salary, be
terminated at any time without any previous notice.
Optional Resume: