

The trade associations help market and promote particular commodity groups for the growers they represent. Caito Foods works closely with the numerous trade associations around the world gathering product and category information. These associations are helpful to our customers because they provide an enormous amount of information that is targeted to the consumer. We work diligently to gather any type of funding that helps advertise and promote each commodity group.

Here is a list of the many associations we have worked with over the years.

Almond Board of California
California Avocado Commission
California Certified Organic Farmers
California Citrus Mutual
California Grape and Tree Fruit League
California Kiwifruit Commission
California State Floral Association
California Strawberry Commission
California Tomato Commission
California Tree Fruit Agreement
Canadian Organic Growers
Chilean Fresh Fruit Association
Colorado Potato Administrative Committee
Florida Fruit and Vegetable Association
Flower Council of Holland
Fresh Produce Association of Americas
Georgia Watermelon Association
Idaho Potato Commission
Illinois Specialty Growers Association
Iowa Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association
Leafy Greens Council
Maine Potato Board
Michigan Apple Commission
Michigan Blueberry Growers Association

National Association of Produce Market Managers
National Onion Association
National Potato Council
New York Apple Association
North American Blueberry Council
Northeast Organic Farming Association
Northwest Cherry Growers
Ohio Florists Association
Ohio Potato and Vegetable Growers Association
Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association
Oregon Potato Commission
Oregon Strawberry Commission
Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association
Potato Board
Texas Produce Association
US Apple Association
USA Pears
Vegetable Growers Association of New Jersey
Virginia Apple Growers Association
Washington State Apple Commission
Western Growers Association
Wisconsin Apple Growers Association
Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers Association